Top 8 benefits of working with a professional organizer infographic
A professional organizer is someone who has dedicated their time to helping individuals and families get organized. Getting organized can mean a very broad spectrum of things. An organizer can help you pack and unpack, sort through belongings, arrange estate sales, help you overcome stress around household chores, be a personal assistant, create digital storage solutions, the list just goes on and on.
Years ago, Emilio and I did our best to answer the most frequent questions we received as professional organizers in Canada and you can watch us answer them on our Youtube channel.
Move away from, “I just can’t keep up” and “I’m drowning in clutter”
It’s a common theme in today’s society… too busy, too stressful, and I have no time. Stop for a minute and think, is there a project, chore or project that you’ve been putting off due to lack of time? Are there piles sitting on your kitchen counter taunting you every time you walk to the fridge?
If you agreed with the above statements or know someone to whom it applies please keep reading. We’re going to explore the benefits available to those who require assistance when it comes to getting back on track. Life is too short to not be happy, especially in our spaces.
But what does a professional organizer do?
The role of a professional organizer might still be confusing for you to understand. I like to make the analogy of professional organizers as the personal trainers of home organizing. Follow me here, when you need expertise, accountability, and leadership when it comes to working out or training you would look to hire a personal trainer. You would interview potential trainers, find one that fits your budget, you get along with, and who can share with you a plan of getting in shape.
Well the same rules apply when working with a professional organizer. Like the personal trainer, a professional organizer will offer you a plan to help you with whatever your organizing needs may be. However, there are many different varieties of professional organizers, so you’ll want to interview them to see who is the best fit for your needs, and who fits within your budget.

8 benefits of working with a Professional Organizer:
- Reason and Objectivity: helping you to see the BIG picture. Our role is to help make sure you stay on track and always remind you of the reason why you hired us. Moving you closer to your goals in shorter period of time and leaving you feeling accomplished.
- Calm Attitude: there is NO problem too big that cannot be solved! Every client always asks, “is this the worse you’ve ever seen?” The truth is that helping people since 2012 has exposed us to so many different circumstances and nothing intimidates us. We love what we do and we know that makes us a bit weird 😉
- Fresh Eyes: not affected by ‘clutter-blindness.’ We often recognize patterns or opportunities that clients haven’t thought of because it’s hard when you live in that space to see it.
- Maintenance Strategies: tips for keeping things organized for lasting effects! Sometimes the challenge comes from keeping things the way you want them to be, especially when kids are involved. But this is where maintenance works every time — building systems to maintain all that hard work.
- Job Completion: seeing each project through to the end — even when it’s difficult. We don’t like to give up and we know it’s easier to do when we’re on our own. Again, we are your champions in the corner cheering you on to the finish line. YOU CAN DO THIS!
- Efficiency and Focus: staying on track and increasing productivity. Our method of taking you through the decluttering and organizing process is unlike no other. We have tried other methods and it does not produce the same amazing results. What takes others weeks, we have proven to finish in 2 days.
- Expertise: current knowledge on community supports, resources, and products. You don’t know what you know, until you know. We have our fingers on the pulse of where to donate, how to dispose of, what sells and what doesn’t, and not to mention the articles and books we read to stay in perspective.
- Hauling Away: environmentally responsible methods of disposal — the landfill is the last resort. Depending on where you live there are many places and organizations who are overjoyed to receive your unwanted items. We make sure your beloved treasures never go straight to the landfill.
Working with a professional organizer keeps you accountable to YOUR goals. If you are having difficulty raising the topic of organizing with a friend, family or co-worker consider sharing this blog. Joining our newsletter is also a subtle way of introducing conversation topics that may make it easier to share thoughts and concerns.
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