5 Simple Tips to Decrease Feeling Overwhelmed

The fact that you are here proves you’re moving in the right direction.
There are so many things you want to do. And so many things you feel you HAVE to do.
Countless people every day feel stressed because they are just doing too much and feel like they are not themselves.Getting back to the basics and bringing simplicity into your life could be the difference you are looking for.
Do you ever get to the end of the day and don’t know what happened?
Maybe life changes like life, kids, money, health, moving homes have made you feel like you have lost some control and are beginning to miss steps. That’s NORMAL.
And sometimes your only quiet moments or escape happens at 11:00 pm for a few minutes before you go to bed exhausted and start all over again in a few hours.
We get many emails from new clients late at night asking for help.
Perhaps you are dealing with one of these situations:
- Selling your home and setting up a new one
- You are trying to make a fresh start
- Got divorced
- Landed a new job or lost one
- Changes in health
- A family member passed away
- Recently moved in with your partner/spouse
- Your responsibilities with your family have changed
- Had a baby
- You are feeling cluttered and claustrophobic with all the “stuff” going on
- You are looking to make healthy changes
- You have pets and want help managing all the creatures you love
- And so many more…
Whether these changes in your life are good or bad, change is hard. Having support through change can make it easier.
Without the right habits and processes, most people will continue to struggle and juggle their lives. Wasting time and energy constantly living a life they don’t like.
We want to help you.
Try one or all of these simple tips to see if it helps decrease your feelings of overwhelm:
- 3 Deep Breaths – this can be done at any part during your day, but we want to challenge you. Can you breath in for 5 counts, hold your breath for 5 counts, and then release your breath for 5 counts.
This challenge is more difficult than it sounds and is a great way to reset your internal balance. Don’t worry if you can do the challenge right away, it may need a little practice. - Plan One Meal – pick the busiest night of your week coming up. Make an intentional choice to plan what you’re going to eat that day (even if it’s just you or it’s your whole family). By planning your meal in advanced you’re going to reduce the mental strain you may have by making it up on the fly. You will also be more likely to eat well instead of skipping a meal or making an impulse choice.
- Avoid All Screens – sometimes the tv, computer, or smart device is the one thing that let’s us turn off at the end of the day. We want you to try something completely different to decompress. Is there a creative outlet you’ve been putting off? Maybe a conversation you’ve been wanting to make, but never found the time?
Try saying ‘No’ to Netflix or Facebook and do something disconnected from the digital world. This could be the most challenging of all the tips. - Write a Letter – That’s right. Get out a blank piece of paper or empty card and start pouring out anything that comes to your mind. You can write this letter to yourself and seal it to be opened for a future date OR you can mail it to someone who you know would love to receive some snail mail.
- Sing a Song – we know you can sing, even if you don’t want to admit it. Challenge yourself to pick a tune and sing the whole thing from start to finish. If you don’t know the lyrics, look them up and follow along. This exercise is even better if you’re able to sing in front of someone else.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I know it’s not easy to face making changes when you’re constantly operating in survival mode, but know that simple, small actions will make a BIG difference in your life.
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These are fantastic ideas. They make sense, and are the kind of thing most people either already do, or recognize as things they ought to do. Putting them in black and white like this makes them more deliberate and successful.
So true Michelle, many times we forget that simple things work 🙂 Thank you for your comment!
Thanks Katherine! 🙂