The Miracle Morning. A Powerful Way to Start Your Day


The way you start your day is very important. We have shared in the past some ideas for creating your morning routine. Check this fast and happy morning ritual that we shared back in 2016.

In this article, we would like to share with you The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. A morning routine that includes the best practices to help you skyrocket your day and it can be completed in as little as 6 minutes! (you most likely will take longer once you start feeling the benefits 😊)


The recipe included in The Miracle Morning Book includes 6 steps: “S.A.V.E.R.S.”









We love reading books and getting inspired by other’s ideas. Then taking what resonates with us and implementing it in our lives. The Miracle Morning is a great recipe for integrating these great practices in your day.

You can customize this recipe to suit your specific needs. The length, the order, you can even add or remove steps.

The power of this practice resides in taking action and being consistent. Starting small, and slowly creating this new habit. It’s easier to be said than done 🙂 That’s why you can start small, investing only a few minutes, and build up from there once you start experiencing the benefits.

Mental Health and Self Care are very important topics. Having a morning routine that helps you be more intentional, aware, grateful, and efficient can create a huge improvement in your overall mental health and well being. It can also help you achieve greater goals because you are placing your time and energy in the right things.

In a world where distractions, stress, and “busyness” are the norm, we need powerful tools to help us stay on track, and The Miracle Morning could be a great start.

We feel inspired to redesign our morning routine (It has been pretty challenging to do it since we had our little Eva).


This is an example of a 6 minutes miracle morning routine:


Minute 1: Silence. Spend the first minute sitting quietly. You can breathe deeply, slowly. You can think about things you are grateful for. You can meditate. Be in the present.

Minute 2: Affirmations. Read out loud the reminders of how great you are, the goals you want to accomplish, the life you want to have. By doing this consistently, you will gain confidence and clarity on the steps to take. You can write your own affirmations in a piece of paper and have them with you every morning. This post can help you get ideas to write your affirmations.

Minute 3: Visualization. Close your eyes and visualize what you want to see in your life, how you want to feel, what you want to do. You can also look at your vision board, if you have one, and go from image to image, visualizing how it would be if you had accomplished those things.

Minute 4: Scribing. You can write in your journal of choice things you are grateful for. You can write down your thoughts, the things you want to do today. You can write down the intention of the day. Try our top 4 healthy exercises with bullet journaling.

Minute 5: Reading. Invest one minute reading a page or two of a book that will inspire you.

Minute 6: Exercise. It’s time to move your body! Spend 60 seconds doing push-ups, jumping jacks, running in place. You choose your own exercise but make sure that you are getting your heart rate up. This will help you generate energy and increase your focus.


We can all find 6 minutes in our mornings :-). Once we start feeling the benefits of our miracle morning routine,  I am confident that we will invest more than 6 minutes. 



Are you feeling inspired? 

What are you going to include in your morning routine?

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