Decluttering your stuff is easier when you set the right expectations.

What to expect when decluttering your stuff  - infographic - kw professional organizers

It’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Decluttering is hard work.

It’s easy to get caught up in all the hype of minimalism, organization, and The Konmari Method. The next thing you know it’s a Saturday, it’s 11:00 pm and your knee deep in boxes of stuff, thinking to yourself, “What have I gotten myself into? The magazine made it look so easy. I’m never going to get this done.”

Don’t be fooled into thinking that evaluating your belongings is the easiest task on your to-do list.

The results of decluttering your stuff will amaze you, don’t get me wrong, but first, you have to get over that hurdle of getting started.

It’s important that you set yourself up for success by having the right expectations. I compiled 5 expectations that are often forgotten before the process begins. I hope that you read these expectations and feel empowered to get started. Remember when you know what your challenges will be, they will be easier to overcome.

You can totally do this. Have fun!

Top 5 Expectations Often Forgotten When Decluttering Your Stuff:

  1. Emotions Run High
    We, humans, form attachments to material things and sometimes it hurts us to think of letting something go. The truth is: change is hard. However, once you can process letting go of the things that do not support your ideal lifestyle — you will feel lighter, more content, and more focused on the important stuff.
  2. Find Treasures
    Clearing out the closets usually results in finding something you forgot you had. You may not need it anymore OR it could prove to be something you’d been searching for previously. Let go of the excess and you’ll find what’s really important.

  3. Donating Benefits Others
    If you no longer need or use an item it could be just what someone else is looking for. Your treasures deserve a second life. Finding the right person or cause to donate to might not be the most convenient, but you will get a greater feeling of satisfaction knowing that your items are being used.
  4. Requires Lots of Decision-Making
    Before you embark on decluttering anything make sure you get mentally pumped up to make decisions. It’s a muscle and will take some time to warm up, but it gets easier as you go along. Make sure you know your goals & why you’re decluttering in the first place; makes the decision-making faster and clearer.
  5. Extra Hands Help
    It’s a very personal process, but you don’t have to go it alone. Make sure you reach out for help if you get stuck and know that not everyone will be great at helping. Find the person(s) that understand your needs and can help you achieve them without judgment.
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