Wow, there are a lot of ways to use a bullet journal. Maybe you’re like me when I was getting started and did a quick search online which quickly made me feel overwhelmed with how or what to start with. And for this reason, I’ve compiled my favourite bullet journal ideas into this blog. If you’re brand new to bullet journaling it was invented by Ryder Carrol.

Why you’ll love these bullet journal ideas

The whole reason Emilio and I create content is to help people like you feel empowered to live your life on your terms. We wrote even wrote a book about it. Our students literally transform their lives by upping their organization skills and doubling down into self-care and purpose. One of the ways this happens is through journaling. So if you’re ready to start making positive changes in your life try out the bullet journal ideas below.

Keep your bullet journal simple to start

Although we’re sharing with you 10 different bullet journal ideas, please know that getting started is as simple as writing pen to paper. So let go of perfection or thinking you need to be artistic to get the true benefits of bullet journaling. This is a common misconception. Watch me briefly explain the idea of bullet journaling on CTV. Please remember we’re sharing these ideas to inspire you.

And look I’ll show you an example of how I progressed to getting more creative (which isn’t necessary) by providing photos of my reading list templates below.

First attempt at a reading list:

Second attempt at a list:

Third attempt at a reading list:

Every year I have more fun and enjoy the process of creating my reading list. If you have time and want to colour then go for a creative template. If you just want to keep it minimalist then a simple list works well.

10 Bullet Journal Ideas

  1. Daily Entry
    The most simplistic form of journaling is to make notes on a daily basis. Whether you journal to keep track of your ideas, work, or passions; a daily entry is the easiest way to get started with bullet journaling.

  2. Tracking Habits
    Wow, being mindful of your habits can do real wonders for awareness in your life. Often times as humans we tend to have overly optimistic or pessimistic views of our own personal history. The habit tracker allows you to stay accountable, so whether you’re trying to break a bad habit or form a good one — this is a great place to make that happen.

  3. Designing Your Ideal Week
    Emilio and I are huge advocates for designing how you want your week to look like. Emilio keeps his week digitally on Google calendars, but I still prefer the one-pager for visual effect. Your week may not always happen the way it looks on paper, but if you can even get a little close to your dream week why not go for it, right?

  4. Creating a Song Book
    Obviously, this may only apply to those among us who enjoy singing or playing an instrument, but having some favourite songs in your journal can help you tap into your inner rock star. No need for wifi when you’ve gone your lyrics in your bag 🙂

  5. Taking Notes from Meetings
    There is a lot of evidence coming forward that making a concerted effort to record notes during important meetings or learning opportunities can help forge pathways in your brain for a lasting memory. I personally find it very helpful to jot down a few big takeaways when I’m trying to learn. Also, helps keep me from falling into a deep sleep.

  6. Doodling
    Scribbles, circles, abstracts, or specific drawings can help make your journal a fun written history to look at. By creating your bullet journal you are not only benefiting from the practice of journaling, but you are literally creating the coles notes of your life. Who knows, there might be a keen biographer who’ll use this to write your life story one day. 

  7. Practicing Daily Gratitude
    A great practice to help retrain your brain to focus on the positive. We’ve written a blog post all about this practice.

  8. Special Interest Pages
    Our example is the moon cycle and the names of the full moon in indigenous cultures of North America. This just demonstrates that you can create a special interest page about anything you are learning about, curious about, or trying to be mindful of. 

  9. Time Management
    Below is a weekly spread in Emilio’s journal where he wanted to be conscious of where and how he was spending his time. As a self-employed person, he found this information super valuable for helping him focus on what is really important in his life.

  10. Lists – ex. Self Care, Bucket List
    It is a lot easier to execute some self-care or follow your dreams when they’re always available to revisit. Taking some time to think about what fills your cup is a big step towards knowing how to help yourself in dark times. And of course, your bucket list is a great tool for living a life you’ve always dreamed of.

A bullet journal is designed by you, for you

At the end of the day, I really hope you understand that your journal is YOUR journal. This post is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how many bullet journal ideas exist. Make your journal what you need it to be so that you feel confident in using it. And of course, if you have any comments leave them below – we’ll be right there to answer!

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